Eyes Only
Eyes Only allows you to publish your private blog in public without limits.
Let the words flow freely without worrying about who else will read it. Your private thoughts are for you alone (and anyone else you deem worthy), but why keep all of your thoughts to yourself?
Private Blog…in Public?
Exactly. Perhaps you have some thoughts you’d like to share but they are mixed in with private or personal content. Eyes Only lets you have the best of both worlds by letting you publish your posts publicly while also giving you precise control over what readers can see. If you have some text in a post that you would rather not be read by others (e.g. your mother’s maiden name or your home address), just selected it in the post editor and click the redact button to mask the text when normal readers visit the site.
Better still, all authorized (logged-in) users can see the post’s content in it’s full, unmasked glory. It’s like magic x-ray glasses that only you get to wear!
How to Use
- Install and Activate plugin (link below)
- When writing your post, select the text you want to mask and click the Redactbutton on the toolbar
- That’s it! When the redacted text is viewed by normal visitors, it will be masked (i.e. unreadable).
Let’s Get Automatic
Eyes Only can also automatically redact text in all posts by using the creatively-named Automatic Redactions feature. When a normal visitor views a post, the words/phrases you specify are automatically replaced with any word/phrase you desire. The post’s original content is hidden in plain view! Again, all authorized users will be able to see the original post.
How to Use
- Go to Settings > Eyes Only in the administration menu
- Add a new word or phrase by clicking the “Add New” button next to the Automatic Redactions header
- Add the word/phrase you want to hide along with the text you want to replace it with
- Click the “Add” button and the word/phrase will be hidden to normal visitors in any post on your site.
Found a bug or otherwise experiencing an issue with Eyes Only? Report the issue here.