SLB: Notes – Admin: Menus
By Sol in Lab
Differentiating between custom & default menus
- Default: Themes, Media, Options, etc.
- Custom: Added by plugin
- Obvious that the page is added to default or custom menu
- When defining page
- Unambiguous
- Minimize additional text required to indicate default or custom
Implementation (Options)
- Reserved words
- Maintain list (array) or reserved menu names that match default menus
- Example:
[theme, media, ...]
- Menus will not be created if they match a reserved word (e.g. an existing default menu)
Simple: No overlap
Must maintain parity with default WP menus
- If WP adds/modifies menu names, conflicts may occur
- Not future-proof
- Check function name
- Existence of
function = WP Menu
- Ex:
adds page to default Media menu
- On demand + cached check
- Check for function when page added, add to static array for future checks
Restricted naming of custom menus
- Cannot use reserved words
- May create conflict if new menu added to future version of WP that matches custom name
- Wrap default names
- Wrap name of menu in characters to indicate default menu
- Ex:
indicates that a page should be added to the WP Theme menu (not a custom menu named “theme”)
Clear/obvious default menu is desired
Requires additional characters to define
Allows same names for custom menus (prefixed anyway)
WP menus will get custom methods anyway
- Wraps core method and passes wrapped name
Only used internally for most part
Pages can be added to WP menus even if custom methods are not defined (e.g. in a future version of WP with new menus)