SLB 1.6 Beta
Here we go! A new beta version of Simple Lightbox is ready to be unleashed upon our awesome group of brave testers. Your testing helps to make SLB better with each update.
The beta is quite stable, but one person (me) can only do so much testing. Now it’s time to let it loose for all of you to install and test.
Version 1.6 is mainly focused on adding new features that will make SLB more customizable and even simpler to use.
Here are some examples of things that need testing and feedback:
- Widgets — Image links in widgets should be displayed in the lightbox when the option is enabled
- Bug Fixes –– Are the bug fixes mentioned below working as described?
- Gallery grouping — When enabled (via the admin settings), groups should be displayed in their own slideshow
What you get
For being a brave lad and installing the beta version on your site, you get the latest version with all the new features before anyone else. You also get a chance to provide feedback before the final version is released. Awesome, I know.
Oh yeah, and if you find a bug, the fix is named after you. Fame and fortune will surely soon follow.
How to report an issue
Every release is tested on a fresh installation of WordPress (current version) using the default themes. If you are experiencing a problem, it’s likely due to a conflict with a specific theme or plugin and I would love to hear about it. Just provide the information below and I will take a look your issue.If you have an bug/issue to report, please provide the following:
- URL of page exhibiting bug (I can’t do much if I can’t test it myself)
- WordPress version (3.2.1 etc.) — Note: SLB only supports the latest version of WordPress
- Other plugins installed
- Browser(s) with issue (Firefox, Chrome, etc.)
Note: As always, all previous stable versions of Simple Lightbox are available via WordPress’ official plugin page if you need to downgrade to a previous version for any reason.
Release Notes:
Beta 7
- Fix: Boolean case-sensitivity (78 Truths)
- Add: Upgrade notice functionality
- Optimize: Improved compatibility with URI case-sensitivity
- Optimize: Activation processing
- Optimize: Image grouping
Beta 6
- Fix: Options availability for certain themes
Beta 5
- Add: Option to process links in Widgets
- Add: WordPress 3.3 support
- Optimize: Image metadata loading performance
- Fix: YouTube embed using iFrame overlaps lightbox (Elena in Hiding)
- Fix: Inconsistent loading of image metadata
Beta 4
- Optimize: File loading
Beta 3
- Fix: Issue when scanning links without valid URLs (McCloskey Iteration)
- Optimize: Improved safeguards against interference by bugs in other plugins
- Optimize: Link processing performance
- Optimize: Lightbox styling isolated from site styles
Beta 2
- Add: Localization support
- Optimize: Improved link processing performance
- Optimize: Improved image metadata support
- Optimize: Improved support for HTTP/HTTPS requests
- Fix: Links not fully processed when group is set manually
Beta 1
- Add: Option to group gallery links separately (supports WordPress & NextGen galleries)
- Fix: Image activation is case-sensitive (Sensitive Tanya)
- Fix: Visible lightbox overlay edges when image larger than browser window (Chibi Overlay)