SLB 1.5.6 Beta
Notice: Awesome job brave beta testers! This beta phase is now over. If you haven’t already, update to the latest version of Simple Lightbox.
The time has arrived for a new beta version of Simple Lightbox to be unleashed upon our awesome group of brave testers. Your testing helps to make SLB better with each update.
The beta is quite stable, but one person (me) can only do so much testing. Now it’s time to let it loose for all of you to install and test.
Version 1.5.6 is all about tightening things up in SLB. Some nice new features will make an appearance in this version, but the focus will mainly be on improving compatibility and making sure SLB runs clean and fast.
Here are some examples of things that need testing and feedback:
- W3 Total Cache — SLB should now be compatible with the output buffering that W3TC does
- Captions — Captions for gallery items and individually inserted images have been tweaked to be clearer for users.
- Descriptions — Text added to the description field when inserting an image should be displayed in either of the default templates
- NextGEN — Titles and descriptions of NextGEN gallery items should be displayed in the lightbox
- Templates — CSS rebuilt, anything amiss?
Release Notes:
Beta 6
- Optimize: Improved support for small images in default template
- Add: Initial support for NextGEN galleries
Beta 5
- Add: HTML support in image descriptions
- Optimize: Support for non-English text in UI settings
- Fix: User-defined UI text not used (Ivan gets Even (cooler))
Beta 4
- Fix: Options reset after update (KRazy Donna)
- Optimize: Improved IE compatibility
- Optimize: Improved data handling
Beta 3
- Update: Important: System Requirements aligned with WP 3.2.1
- Add: Display image description in lightbox
- Add: Option to enable/disable image description in settings
- Optimize: Additional CSS cleanup
- Optimize: Template loading performance
Beta 2
- Add: Support for W3 Total Cache plugin
- Optimize: Template CSS Cleanup
- Optimize: Caption support for galleries
Beta 1
- Update: Options code cleanup (Juga Sweep)
What you get
For being a brave lad and installing the beta version on your site, you get the latest version with all the new features before anyone else. You also get a chance to provide feedback before the final version is released. Awesome, I know.
Oh yeah, and if you find a bug, the fix is named after you. Fame and fortune will surely soon follow.
What I need (How to report an issue)
Pretty simple. I need you to install the plugin and make sure everything is working.
If you have an bug/issue to report, please provide the following:
- URL of page exhibiting bug (I can’t do much if I can’t test it myself)
- WordPress version (3.2.1 etc.) — Note: SLB only supports the latest version of WordPress
- Other plugins installed
- Browser(s) with issue (Firefox, Chrome, etc.)
Note: All previous stable versions of Simple Lightbox are available via WordPress’ official plugin page if you need to downgrade to a previous version for any reason.