EDU: Notes – Management: Data Relationships
By Sol in Lab
- Link to/from anything
- Content to Content
- Same content type
- Different content types
- Content to User
- User to Content
- User to User
- Define relationship abilities on content type/user role basis
- Relationship type (see below)
- What content types/roles items of this type can be associated with
- Define relationship type
- One to Many
- Many to Many
- Many to One
- Track relationship changes (date/time of change, etc.)
User to Content
- Teacher to Class (many/many)
- Student to Class (many/many)
Content to Content
- Class to Grade level (parent/child?) (many/one)
Implementation (Options)
- Custom DB Tables
- Store relationships in custom tables in database
- Tables
- Relationship Types
- Defines possible relationship types for current item
- Relationships
- Manages relationships between items
- Item ID, Type (content, user, etc.), Relationship ID, Relationship Type
Custom tables require more management
Control over data/handling
Must build from ground up
Better query precision for finding appropriate data
WP Taxonomy already has such functionality?
- Meta/Options
- Store relationships for an item in WP meta table
- Possible relationship types stored
as option
- Methodology
- Store
- Example: Teacher to Class (User to Content)
- Relationships (
- Type: Content/User
- ID: Class ID
- Active:
- Date created:
- Track all relationships (do not delete) in array
- Retrieve
- Example: Teacher’s classes
- Retrieve user’s relationships (
) from user metadata
- Search array for active relationships to content
- Filter results to IDs that match “class” content type
Class teachers
Need to store relationship with both parties
Duplication of data – Relationship must be stored in meta for both items
- Must update metadata for each item when updating
- Potential for stale/incorrect data if both items are not updated
Relationships array will grow bigger and bigger over time
- Since old relationships are retained for history
- WP Taxonomy
- Manage relationships using build in taxonomy functionality
- Need to look into WP taxonomy capabilities
Use prebuilt API
May not be tailor-made to fit needs
- Methodology
- Setup
- Register custom taxonomy for each relationship type (class, grade level, etc.)
- Set possible object types for taxonomy (
, user_teacher
, etc.)
- Store
- Example: Teacher’s classes
- Create term for each class
- Term references item ID (from
- To retrieve details from later
- List classes on teacher edit form (like categories– grouped by grade level)
- Term relationships saved automatically
- Retrieve
- Example: Teacher’s classes
get_object_terms($user_id, "user_$role")
- Retrieves all user classes (active & inactive)
- Filter out inactive classes
- History stored as user metadata (e.g.
- Class ID, Start date, End date
- Example: Class Users (teacher(s)/students)
- Get term associated with class (stored as metadata)
- Get all objects associated with term (e.g.
, class_student
, etc.) [in term_taxonomy
- Retrieve objects (teachers, students, etc.) using IDs
- Creating term for custom post type
- Example: Class – Math
- Term
: math
: math
- Cannot depend on slug for matching with content
- Useful so we don’t have to retrieve full object just to list term
- Link term to post type
: [value from terms
: obj-reference
- Link users to class (User to Content)
: [value from terms
: class (post type)
: 3 (math post ID)
: [ID from term_taxonomy
- Linking users to term
Use same/different taxonomy when adding term to user? (options)
- Same: One taxonomy for all associations (e.g. class <> user)
- Students/Teachers will be grouped together
Additional filtering necessary to retrieve only teachers or students associated with class
- Use
- Arguments
: [CSV of users associated with class],
: teacher
Query will take longer since all users fetched even if only one role is needed
Simpler management – Users may have multiple roles so selecting specific role may be difficult
Relationship type not clear
- Is user teach or student of class (e.g. if they have both roles)
- User can be a teacher of one class and a student of another at a university/college
- Would need to define relationship somewhere (
, usermeta
, etc.)
Easy to fetch all terms associated with user at once (since single taxonomy)
- Different taxonomy depending on role
- Example: Class’ teacher is lined using
Easy to retrieve all users acting as teachers
Multiple queries required to get all users associated with class (teachers and students)
Efficient – Only retrieve users with desired role
Relationship defined
, class_student
, etc.
- Usable roles are defined in code when defining relationships
Simple to iterate over roles to get all users linked to class